The Argive: Gates of Hades, Book I, Chapter VIII

Chapter VIII Friend of my Enemy Alexander's Camp “No way we are doing this” shouted Anthea, raising her hands in denial. “It is the only way we can make this work; can’t you see it? The best solution to not understand our real identities is to present ourselves as hetaeras”. “No. I cannot accept it” replied Anthea, crossing her hands at her chest. “You don’t even have to present yourself as one. I will be one, and you will be my servant”. “You are making it worse”. “Alright, if you have a better solution, I’ll wait to hear it”. Anthea said silent for a minute. She could not think of something else that could work. They would raise unwanted attention if they went to the camp and presented themselves as mercenaries. Yet, being actually a whore, or even her maid, was embarrassing. But there were no other choices. “Believe me” said Thalestres, “I don’t like it either”. “Yeah, right…”. “What was that?” asked Thalestres, raising her eyebrow. “Nothing…” replie...