Mount and Blade: Rise of War, Chapter X
Fight to Survive Even before the sun rise up on the sky, every man was awake. I could say from the deadly silence throughout the whole encampment, everyone were nervous. For the battle we were about to give. At this dark hour, the mind of every man was with his family. “I hope that this will give them strength” I heard Oliver saying, standing beside me, like reading my thoughts. Although I had Oliver for the mad man of the band, his face was dead serious. He understood my surprise seeing him like that. “The time for jokes is over, Tharon. We must fight not for us, not for this bloody kingdom, but for these men to go back to their homes”. We stood in silence. We saw Fendrel heading our way. “The Nords are advancing. What’s the plan, sir?” he asked I looked around. The Nords were advancing on us from all sides, except the one behind us, because there was the mountain from where we came. We knew this was a fight to the death, but yet we would fight. They had many men, te...