Experiment #319
There is no real way to say this. Before I start this letter, I want you to pay attention to what I am about to say to you and read until you reach the end. My name is of no importance right now. I am a scientist. I search about things and try to discover more about this world. So one day as me and my group were experimenting something went terribly worng. You see, some people believe that some things should not be found and messed with. But not for us. Not for scientists. We can never have enough and we always try to find more. So after years and years of experimenting and trying, we managed to discover it. We discovered time travel. In the beginning, we could only send objects through a small portal. These objects were sent back to a specific time and then were returned. Some never came back, others returned old and rusty, others like they were as we sent them. Others had wierd drawings on them. That fascinated us. As the years went by and we kept experimenting, we managed to get...