Experiment #319

There is no real way to say this. Before I start this letter, I want you to pay attention to what I am about to say to you and read until you reach the end.
My name is of no importance right now. I am a scientist. I search about things and try to discover more about this world. So one day as me and my group were experimenting something went terribly worng. You see, some people believe that some things should not be found and messed with. But not for us. Not for scientists. We can never have enough and we always try to find more.
So after years and years of experimenting and trying, we managed to discover it. We discovered time travel. In the beginning, we could only send objects through a small portal. These objects were sent back to a specific time and then were returned. Some never came back, others returned old and rusty, others like they were as we sent them. Others had wierd drawings on them. That fascinated us.
As the years went by and we kept experimenting, we managed to get the machine to be more specific. At first we could sent objects to random places. Then we could send animals. Then we could record and have visual proof of the place that we sent the object to. And after many fails and experimenting, we, at last, managed to achieve time travel as you know it today. We could go at any time in any place we wanted and do anything we wanted.
So we started to search about the world and dicover the greatest of mysteries. Find answers to great riddles and puzzles that had troubled humanity. How could we control time. Where were histories greatest leaders buried. Finding lost treasures and artifacts. We found the answers to all of those things and yet it wasn’t enough.
We wanted more so we searched deeper. We went back to that world and tried to transfer people. Or should I say save them.The idea we had was to transfer a human being from one point in time to our own. It didn’t take long to discover it, so we did it. We had all the groundwork done form previous experiments and theories so it was quite easy to develop.
So as you probably think, we took worlds greatest scientists and mathematicians, we saved people that were meant to die and we changed all shorts of things that we shouldn’t have. That was not our desision though. We as scientinsts, always knew the risks, but we didn't now how far we could go, what depths we would discover. After a point though, we were only puppets for others. They started to monitor us strictly. Took us away from our families and friends. Transfered us to a base somewhere in the world we didn’t know. They said that, this was where we would live the rest of our lives. 
In the beginning it wasn’t bad. We had anything you could imagine. And when I say anything, I mean it. All the riches of the world, all the pleasures, all of it. Everything was accessible to us. So we got carried away and didn’t care about how it would affect the world. We were blinded from the good life we were living. They had managed to achieve what they wanted. There was a time though when we started to worry about what we were doing because the effects, well, you can say, they were starting to take place.
In the beginning it was nothing too dangerous or big in any scale.It started small but then the scale got bigger and bigger as time went on. At first it was animals and plants.You could see a change in some species of flora and fauna. Some animals were getting stronger. Enchanced speed, strength.Some plants became bigger others
smaller.It was fascinating but nothing to be worried about. Then one day some people  around the world started disappearing. Lakes started to dry up. Others were formed between villages through eartquakes.The world itself started to act in a way we could no longer explain. The sky was getting closer to the earth changing colors.The birds kept dying. Forests were dying and the sea was drying up. As you can imagine, that sounds like a big lie. It is not though. Everything... real. I know that this letter you are reading right now, seems like a story out of a book, but I am about to prove to you that everything you have read until this point is real.
I am you. I am Jonathan Reid, the scientist that found time travel. Me, Caitlyn your buddy Garth and Alex. You are probably sitting in your office after the #318 experiment failed and ended in an explosion. Your fellow colleague died, dissapeared in ashes. Well, actually, he was more than that. You met and had a relationship and noone knew about it, excpet you two. You kissed in a park at 12 o clock at night and the next day you bought the opposite pair of a necklace. You are probably upset and try to wrap your head around the fact that how do I know all of this.
Like I said, I am you from the future and I know everything that is going to happen to you if you go tomorrow and try the idea you have in your head. You will discover time travel and everything you read will come to life and many more things I spared you from. I am currently writing this as a last hope so that you can change the mistakes we made.
So this is what I ask. I beg you, do not go tomorrow and try the theory you discovered. If you want to destroy everyone and ruin the world it’s your chioice.
For us, our last resort of trying to fix our mess, was this. To send you a letter of what happened and convince you to stop this goddamned project and never reveal the truth. Unfortunately we could not send a video or something esle because we didn’t have enough power.

So the choice is yours and only yours, Jonathan Reid.
What will you do? Will you choose to believe that this is a lie and lead on the desctruction of the world or will you choose to NEVER make time travel possible.
Whatever you choose I hope it will be for the best.
There is a burden though. As you receive this letter, there are consequences to time traveling and sending objects. If you choose to do nothing and go with the theory tommorow nothing will happen to you.
If you choose to save the world, your group os scientists will be the only people that will experience weird dreams or have images about places and events that are not real or dont exist. I want you to know that, yes. They are real for us, of this world, but they will never affect you in any way. Unfortunately, as it happend we are the only ones left alive in this world and we spent our remaining power and resourses to send this message. So, if you are reading this we are all dead. And life as you know it, is extinct. I don't know how my memories will transfer to you, but I am ceratin that somehow this will happen too. Don't be afraid nothing of it will be real, as long as you never discover it.
I know I am asking you a lot. This was our lifetime project. But as I trust you, as we trust you, we have faith in ourselves, that we will do the right thing.
Goodbye and I hope you will never have to read anything like this again. Because if you do, it means that something went terribly wrong.
Goodbye. I hope forever.

Author: Jimmy Novak


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