
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Argive: Gates of Hades, Book I, Chapter VI

Chapter VI A Fate Worse than Death Achilles tried to break the chains restraining him. There was no use in doing that. The hideous creatures accompanying Hades, surrounded Achilles, with the edges of their weapons pointing at him. He gave up trying to free himself. "Well, nephew what brings you here?" said Hades, with a big spiteful smile on his face. Achilles, with anger filling up his chest, he tried once again to break the chains that restrained him. Once again, he failed. "I am here to stop your foolishness... Your stupid plan to destroy my world!" he shouted. "Hold on, now, son of Poseidon" replied Hades, laughing hard. "It was never yours, to begin with. And secondly, why my plan is stupid? It's not that I am the first one to suggest genocide!". "You are a lunatic! Can you hear, what are you saying?". "Yes, boy, I hear myself, but it is you and your small fucking brain that cannot understand the things I am t...

A Second Chance, Chapter V

Chapter V After I visited the granny, I turned and left. I started going back to the house , but then decided not to because I needed some time to think everything through. So , I went to the only place that gave me some comfort and that was the little shrine , which I didn’t know whose it was. I went there and just sat at that bench looking in front of me asking the same questions over and over again. “Who am I? Did I have a past life? Do they really exist?”. There was so much I didn’t know. I went to the old granny to get answers but the only thing I didn’t get were answers. I got more questions that needed answering and I had no way of doing that. I gave up. I wouldn’t lose my sanity over something, that doesn’t make sense from the beginning. All of this idiocy with gods and gardens and past lives, I was sick of it. I was so mad. I couldn’t find an answer to all of the questions I had, because nothing made sense. And as everything flows so does memory. I remember...

Zepar: A Buried Secret, Chapter III

The Academy’s graduation ceremony is a celebration day for the whole city. Almost every citizen went to congratulate and admire the future generation. The mayor, some members of the sorcerer’s council and the city’s general were also there. Balloons decorated the place, in the sideways of the courtyard the staff’s people were selling souvenirs and right in the middle was located a huge stage for the student’s final performance. Everything was in festive climate in this one-day ceremony. Finally! The time, that everyone was waiting for, has come. The academy president went on stage giving a congratulatory speech, signalling the ceremony start. All students one by one went on stage showing their skills. Lugous’s presentation was surely a magnificent one. As an archer/ranger he showed his skills mostly with a bow. First, in a split second he launched three arrows at once, hitting three different targets. Then he immediately took another arrow from his quiver, looked at the sky an...