The Child of Ragnarok, Chapter II

Thor, Odin’s son, huge he is, and red-bearded, and strong, by far the strongest pf all the gods, entered the halls of Valhalla quite in a hurry looking for the All-father. “Did you hear that scream? What could possibly be?” asked Thor to Mimir, because he was the wisest of all the living and dead creatures, he knows everything. “It’s Loki, and he is in the realm of the giants, Jotunheim.” Odin curious and nervous about what could have happened to his sworn blood brother gave order to Thor to prepare himself for a visit to Jotunheim. Thor wore his belt of strength, Meringjord, when he wears it, his might is increased and strength is doubled. Odin called his 8-legged steed, Sleipnir who was Loki’s son and a gift from Loki himself to Odin. Sleipnir, a huge grey stallion, the fastest and the strongest horse that ever there had been or ever would be. A horse that could outrun the wind. Despite of its magnificents Loki was ashamed of his son, because Loki was actually SLeipn...