A Second Chance, Epilogue


So, lets continue from where we left off.

I was shocked after what I had read, but everything made so much sense. I was in my room when I read that letter. I can’t even remember the amount of the nervousness I had. Who am I going to meet? Do I really have a family? Before I knew it, I collapsed on the floor, unconscious. When I opened my eyes, I was on the train, going back home. I was confused at the beginning, but it all made sense. After all, none of it was real, or should I better say, they were non-existed. It is all weird, so I avoided thinking about it anymore. I remembered everything, all of it. How I met her and the fun and loving memories I had about her and the time we spent together. I was excited to go at last, back home. I would go back to where I belong. All of that feeling of me being alone and that I didn’t belong anywhere, I think, it was kind of my soul asking me to go back to them. I had this warm and fuzzy feeling, every time I was thinking about them. This feeling which makes you slightly smile. After a long time, I was finally happy.

So, this is a goodbye. I don’t know why I wrote this story. After everything I went through, I guess I decided to write it so I can better make sense of it or close completely that chapter of my life. Maybe my kids will read it, but I am not concerned with that yet.
I guess I could tell you about them. About everything that happened next, but I won’t. Where is the beauty in that if I tell you? It ruins the magic…


Author: Jimmy Novak


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