Zepar: A Buried Secret
Chapter I
The sun rises between two huge mountains. The sunlight
reaches the city, which was located just below these great mountains, one of
which was in fact an inactive volcano. The Dwarves called it «Bullmaar». It was
the most feared place many centuries ago, mainly because inside the volcano was
the palace of a great Demon Lord. Abigor was his name, but it was long
forgotten from the humans, who constitute today the vast majority of the world’s
population. A world, which Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Angels, Demons and more
creatures of that sort, are sharing. Unfortunately, from the beginning of time,
this world suffered from constant wars between all races. Humans are the most
inferior race in strength, which means that they were never on the highlight of
a war. One could say that they acted as tools for a superior race, mainly they allied
with the Angel race.
The constant wars of the past led to the exhaustion of every
race, except the Humans who were increasing in numbers as time was going by.
Because of their inferiority, they were seemingly posing no threat. Humans took
advantage of the arrogance that was running through all opposing races. Long
story sort, in the last known «Great
World War». Humans
allied with the Angels completely dominated the other races, wiping “Dark,
Evil” races such as goblins, Orcs, Ogres, Banshees etc., out of the existence.
The only dark races that weren’t extinct, were the Undeads, mainly because they
can be born from the death of the other races and very few demons.
Back to present time, the city below «Bullmaar» was called Bloodyleaf and it is in fact the
capital town Erast, one of the greatest human Kingdoms. The Bloodyleaf was, not
very long ago, called Greenleaf; It was one Elven town. After the Great World
War (GWW), humans conquered this city and slaughtered every elf in it. No one
survived and that’s why the citys name was changed to «Bloodyleaf».
Despite the tragic past of this city, today it is considered one of the “gems”
of Erast. It is known for the prosperity that provides to its locals and the
very low levels of unemployment, which is almost nonexistent. Not to mention it
has one of the strongest armies in the kingdom.
The humans that were transported in there, decided not to
change the construction of the city, so they let it be as it was. Looking from
far away, one could notice nothing more than a forest, because this city was
consisted of big trees forming a forest under the Volcano. The trees itselfs were
houses for the people to live inside them. Also, buildings in form of trees
were as well shops, restaurants, academies, malls, greengroceries etc. Despite the abnormal city
construction, humans could adapt in this way of living, quite easily. Maybe because
they loved to have that “Elven living experience”.
Inside of
one specific tree, a young man awakes listening to the peaceful sound of a
singing bird. He’s name is Erevos, a 18 year old teen with long black hair and flamboyant
green eyes. As he awakes with a sleepy head, he walked to the bathroom. After
he finished washing himself, he ran down the stairs and went to the living
room, in the middle of which a very long rectangular table was placed. Five
people were already sitting and having breakfast. They are his family: his
father, Boros, was sitting on the left edge of the table, common practice in
all traditional families. His mother, Ana, was on the right of his father,
while a baby, Erevos’s 3-year-old sister Olris was sitting on his fathers left
side. His two remaining twin siblings were sitting in the seats next to his
mother. They were 2 years younger than him, a boy named Aego and a girl named
They were a
very wealthy family. His father was the owner of a renowned bank and his mother
was involved in politics. In comparison to their parent’s jobs, all children,
apart from the 3-year-old of course, wanted their future job to be a military
“Took you
long enough to get of your bed…”
His father,
a tall blonde man. Not knowing he has an 18 years old son; one would guess he
was just in his early 30s. In reality he was a very old man about 60
years old.
“Come on
darling… Its his last day in the academy. The lessons are over, right Erevos?”
His mother,
a sweet dark-haired woman, who was always with a smile on her face. Because of
her cheerful attitude no one can guess that she was always secretly deadly serious.
She always was hiding a killer face as a retired assassin she was. The best
assassin in the kingdom!
nodded affirmatively in no mood to be talkative.
“So, big
brothers Big Day is tomorrow... He will be finally able to be called an official,
acknowledged from the kingdom, Swordsman! I can’t wait for my turn to be called
a swordsman. You may be a few steps ahead, but I will surpass you! Be sure of
“With that
small hands are you even able to hold a longsword? You little midget… hahaha!”
“Shut up
you horse-legged gorilla!”
The twins
were always teasing one another and were having that kind of small fights. Aego,
was training to be a swordsman like his brother Erevos and Oka, who was aiming
to be an elite assassin like her mother before her. Erevos was always irritated
when the fights were starting, especially in the morning, but he secretly enjoyed
them, mainly because he loved seeing his sister mock his brother, who was
always copying him, something that he was getting on his nerves.
After some
time in the family table…
thanks for breakfast. I hope you all have a wonderful day, especially you
Erevos. It’s your last day in academy, you better enjoy it. Now then, I must go
to work.”
Said the
father, kissed his wife and went off.
father, Boros, was one of the most respected men, not only in his city, but
also in the entire kingdom. His bank was so trustworthy, that people from other
kingdoms came to deposit their money as well. He was the one to always open the
bank in the mornings, so usually no employee would yet arrive. This morning was
different though. A human figure emerged from the shadows across the room as
soon as Boros entered. The person was wearing a hood concealing his face, but
the moment they stepped into the light, it became visible that the mysterious
person was a woman!
“You open
pretty late for a bank, wouldn’t you say?... Eh?... Epsilon!” The strange woman
“Don’t call
me that! We said we wouldn’t use these names again!”
“Well… You
know that the time for us to use them again would come, sooner or later…”
“So, what
is the meaning of your most unexpected visit?”
“That kid grew up pretty fast, right?... 18
years went by like nothing… Oh, sorry I am talking about that thing you
call son so casually…”
“Yeah… I understood…”
“Okeyyy. Now to business, Alpha sent me… We are going to
have a meeting tomorrow at 5 PM. Archangel Michael will contact with you by the
end of the day for the place of the meeting…”
“WHAT??!! You know it’s his graduation tomorrow, right ?!”
“No objections! You better be there for your own good... Well, Alpha
actually knew you would say that, so … It is not necessary for Beta to come
“Oh! One last thing… You are getting quite emotional with
that kid! I hope you remember your position in this matter. It is your mission,
after all.”
“You better watch your tongue! I know my mission and I have
never failed in one, unlike you! How dare you talk to your superior like that,
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