Mount and Blade: Rise of War, Chapter II

Chapter II

Bloody Business

June 3, 1266 CE, Azgad, Noon

When I woke up this morning, the sun was already up.
"Shit, I overslept" I thought. I went downstairs, where I found Talius. He said that he did not want to wake me up. He - correctly - figured, that I was very tired from the long journey I had to Praven, let alone all the troubles I faced yesterday. He also had prepared everything for my travel to Azgad. A small snack for now, food for an entire battalion for me and my men, that I was going to recruit there, as Talius explained to me. My horse was waiting for me at the entrance of his yard. He also had polishwd my sword, along with my armor. Well, it is not an actual armor, just boots with metal plates on them and my leather bracelets, but you get the point. At last, he washed my clothes, packed some of them to take them with me, the other stayed packed in his house.
"The rest of your stuff, will be kept here at my house. You do not have to worry" Talius said to me to assure me. I thanked the kind old man for his generosity. I ate my breakfast, I washed up and went downstairs in order to leave. I put my stuff on the horse, with some of my weapons (a couple of daggers and my crossbow with its bolts). I sheathed my sword and put my shield on my back. Then I mounted on the horse.
"Talius, thank again for everything" I said to him, with sincere gratitude.
"Do not mention it. This is the least I can do. You are taking a huge risk by saving an old man's brother. And I am thankful". I shook his hand and I spunned the horse to ride. As I was leaving, I heard Talius last pray.
"May the heavens protect you!" and he was lost from my sight.

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The people here seemed to stuggle to make their living.
I was riding three to four hours. It was a pleasant ride, through beautiful plains and marvelous landscapes. I arrived there at noon. Seeing the village, I could say that it was not a rich one. It was somewhat poor. The people here seemed to struggle to make their living. I approached the village. Some of the people working on the fields, just gave a look at me and ignored me. I rode to the village center. I got off my horse and tied it to a nearby stake. I approached a man, sitting next to a fire, in front of what appeared to be the biggest house of the village. He seemed to be around his sixties.
"Good morning, sir!" I greeted him, trying to sound joyful. He didn't even looked at me.
"Where did you see that this day is a good one lad?" he replied back to me, with hostility in his voice. I did not respond to the insulting tone, although the attitude of the man trigerred me.
"I am looking for the village elder" I continued, with my smile still on my face. He raised his eyebrow.
"Really, lad? And what do you wat with this old goat?" he asked me. I was starting to really taking a piss over his insulting attitude.
"Listen, here. There are human lives at stake. Show me where the village elder is, before I choose some other method for you to tell me what I want" I said, putting a hand on the grip of my sword. The man rolled his eyes and stood up.
"I am the man you are looking for". I stood in silence. I didn't know what to say or respond to him. I mean, I kind of insulted the man. But I chose to stick with my current behavior.
"You had to piss me off? Couldn't you just say who you are from the very beginning?" I asked him, raising my voice. Many of the locals stopped and looked at me, with hostility in their eyes.
"Take care" he said. "You are in soft grounds. Just tell me what do you want. We do not want and I hope, you don't want any trouble here". I putted a hand again on the grip of my sword. The elder's eyes moved to my hand, seeing the provoking movement I made. Alas, I let go. I made loose of my position and I softened my expression.
"I need men" I said. "I am on a job to free a man from the hands of the bandits". The elder looked at me with an indifferent face.
"We have some kids who wish to find fortune in war".
"How many?" I asked, before the man was able to continue.
"Seven lads. But I don't think that they are willing to follow you in particular".
"How so?" I asked again crossing my hands. The elder pointed out a group of seven men, whose leader was a man,no more like a beast, about seven feet tall and muscular as a bull. I nodded with awe.
"I can use the man" I said approvingly, still not able to understand what the elder was trying to tell me. The tall man started laughing, along with mates and some other locals that were passing by.
"He ain't following you" explained the elder. "Not unless you are proven worthy by beating him in combat". I exhailed. I knew this kind of "warriors". Farm boys that because of their size they believe that they know what fighting is. And for Heaven's sake, a club! Who on this earth uses a club as their weapon? It is like bringing a sword in a bow fight. Well, I always choose to be cocky in these situations.
"Let's get over with this" I said. The elder looked at me with interest for the first time. He moved, in order to give us space for the fight. The huge guy laughed and charged to me with his club high. He went for my head but I managed to duck with ease. Due to my momentum, I leaned forward and slashed his exposed leg, destroying some of his muscles. He screamed in pain, but it was just a flesh wound. He grabbed me from my cloth and throw me in the opposite direction. I fell on my back and I rolled several times in the dirt. Like, I was telling you, no fighting style, just mere strength. With pain still on my back and my vision blurred, I managed to stand up again. I realised that my nose was bleeding, due to the fall and I also had several bruises. My opponent was loosing blood from his leg. I had to take advantage from his situation. His problem, because of his size, was that he was slow, comparing my agility with his. I went forward and attacked. He came to meet me. He charged with his club,aiming my chest. I dodged to the left and stabbed his exposed arm, all the way through. Screaming, he pulled away his hand with my sword still sticked in his arm.
"Bloody hell, my weapon!" I thought. I had to act quickly, taking advantage fom hia confussion. I ducked down to his slashed leg and I delivered a punch, with all my strength. He screamed even louder from before and he fell to his knees. I immediatly stood behim=nd him, having him on my back, I drew my sword from his arm and I stabbed him through his back, all the way through to his heart. The blade came out from his torso. I cleaned my sword from all the blood and I sheathed it. I examined my nose, still covered in blood. Everyone in the village,looked at me with awe, speechless. I approached the groop of the - now - six men, who were now looking with fear mixed with awe at me.
"So" I said. "How much do you want?".

Author: Geralt Of Rivia


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