A Second Chance, Chapter VII

Chapter VII

You might be wondering who I am, or why I am writing this to you. Let’s take everything from the beginning, so it can all make sense.

But firstly, we need to talk about the other me to get everything in order. I will try to keep it short.
You see I was a God. I was as you would imagine one of those higher beings, that can do almost everything. In this world there is the mortal world were the normal people live - the humans - and then there is us. We… let’s put it simply, we are living in a smaller world than yours.

These two worlds are connected, and we can interact with it however we please. My side, values order and is very careful as to what prayers it answers and how it interacts with humans. We are like a big family. All are of the same rank and we have the same powers. We help each other and carry out the duties we are given. These may be, from answering a prayer to something very, very complicated. Like this for instance.

The other big part of our world is ruled by chaos and anarchy. There are monsters as you would call them or beings of the same plane as us, but they are less intelligent and organised. That enables us to keep control and be in power, in order to keep the balance of all things intact. And here is where our story begins.

As all stories have a bad guy, our world had one as well. He rose from chaos, wanting to destroy us and claim the power for himself. It was not that simple though because unlike anything we had seen he was intelligent and cunning. He almost succeeded. You might wonder why it would be that bad for chaos to rule. Well, he wanted to invade or merge, I should say, the two worlds together.

We, as living beings get our power from humans. It is not something complicated, it is a very simple concept. We built shrines for people to remember us. People pray to us and give us offerings. We may not need them, but your prayer and how strong you believe gives us power. That, in a way is a good thing and a bad one. This is how we almost ruined ourselves and you as well. The humans.

So, it’s time to tell you how all of this comes into play. I told you that chaos almost won. I can safely say that it almost won, because I am the one that averted it. He – screw it, let’s call him John – was way too powerful and he couldn’t be won through normal, for us, means. He was stronger than all of us. And I realised that I had to take extreme measures, in order to keep my family safe.

As you would call it, I sacrificed myself in order to keep them safe. Upon doing that, I lost my power and my godly nature. My soul travelled to the mortal world and because it didn’t have a vessel it borrowed one of yours.

You can say that, this letter and my story, that I am writing, is dedicated to you. It is an apology for all the trouble I have brought to you the past few years.

Fear not though, because everything is in place. All the events that happened, do not exist anymore. The thing I am trying to say, is that the natural balance which Is higher than every single one of us, as well you can call it the one true Power in this universe, created this little section for my soul to recover and remember who is it, what it was, and where it belongs.

So, this timeline was created for that purpose. I hope this makes sense. For your family it will be like you went on a business trip for a month. Meaning everything you remember living until this point lasted a month.

I said family but you don’t remember having one. That is one of the things I regret taking away from you. The person you were searching for and always saw in your dreams and ‘’haunted’’ them is your wife. Don’t worry you will remember everything. Because your body had my soul and we were sharing the same vessel your mind mixed my life and images with yours. That is why you thought all along she was a god or a higher being. Truth is, I have someone that is waiting for me as well. That is a story for another time.

Goodbye. Forget about me and all the memories you remember of me. But because I have caused you this much trouble, I am writing this for you as a gift and an apology at the same time. I will write everything that happens next to me or you and whenever you read this, you will remember this. For whatever reasons you want to read it. I leave it up to you. But knowing you, this will be destroyed. Which I am happy about.

Author: Jimmy Novak


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