The Argive: Gates of Hades, Book I, Bonus Chapter

The Story Continues...

Achilles and Nikolaos, left from Itea in the middle of the night. They arrived at the feet of mount Parnassus, where the rest of their team was waiting for them. Now, before them lied the real deal, their real mission. Stop the destruction of the world, by putting an end to Hades plans. They traveled to the ancient city of the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena. There, they hired a captain and his crew, to help them cross the Agean sea. Their destination was Tyre, a city captured from Alexander, after seven months of a restless siege. When the Macedonians entered to the city, six thousand men were put to the sword, two thousand were crucified and many of the women and the children were sold into slavery. Achilles knew the story of the city, and this was the reason he wanted this city to become his base of operation. He had a plan. The group was about to break on three seperate teams. The first one, the two Spartan brothers. Their mission was to track down the Macedonian forces, and keep Achilles informed about their whereabouts and their plans. They were experienced soldiers, capable of decoding someone's strategic moves. It wasn't a secret that Alexander was heading to India, where the Gates of Hades where, and everyone could say that the conflict with the uler of India, King Poros, was not far. Achilles was counting on this conflict, in order to stop Alexander. He would crush Alexander and scatter his forces. In order for the two brothers to succed, they would need someone inside the army, in order to have the information needed for Achilles. And who was better than the two young females. In this army, two women would surely pass unnoticed. But beyond that, there was word that the second piece of the divine trinity of the weapons, was at Alexander's own tend. The renowned shield of Achilles, the great warrior of the Trojan War. Everybody knew that Alexander took it as his banner by the time he set foot i the site of the remnants of Troy. At last, Achilles alongside Nikolaos, his faithful friend, they begun their journey to Siwa, in a bizzare mission. In Siwa, there was the most ancient temple of all, dedicated to their god Amun, but the Greeks, after the conquest of Alexander started calling him Zeus, due to the likeness of the dieties. Their mission was of dual nature. First, there was a, worth investigating, rumor that the third piece of the divine trinity was hidden there; the Bow of Hercules. If there any chance the weapon was there, Achilles was keen to take it. The second reason for their strange journey was of more personal nature. Achilles could not put exactly what was this hunch he had, but he was certain for one thing. The temple was calling for him...

Author: Geralt Of Rivia

Writer's Note:
There will be some time before I release the next chapters of the Argive story. Time is needed to prepare properly for the next chapters of the story. I am really hoping you are having fun! Meanwhile, with the Mount and Blade adaptation, something new appears on the horrizon... The remnants of a lost city...


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