The Argive Update

The Argive: Gates of Hades is one of our Books that we plan to have a long run. Also, is the Book that reached most of our viewers, with the most total views. We are excited that it has some appeal to you. The Author of The Argive is planning also to write some Bonus Chapters that will provide more details about some characters, for you who are more interested about the Books World. Anyways, we write this post also for our new readers to recommend you investing in reading this Book, because we think it is worth it and the story will be even more thrilling in the near future. We made a Trailer Video for those who haven’t yet read it so you can get a taste of its content.
Here are the links for all the Chapters:
Here is the Trailer:

Please write us comments with your opinion about our work so far or any improvements we may need, your comments are important for us and we are eager to listen.
Also, we are working on a new story called 'The Child of Ragnarök'!!!
Expect the first chapter really soon...
That's from us for now, have fun reading!


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