Bleach Alternative Story Manga

 As we informed you in our instagram account, we desire to add a new kind of story-telling posts. This one being the "Manga", comics/graphic novels that are in a Japanese art style. A member of our team is trying to learn how to design this kind of comics. He is a huge fan of the popular manga/anime called Bleach. His favorite character died in the series and thought a complete new way of how the story could continue, differently, with him being alive. Unfortunately, we cannot leak any further information.
 Currently we try to learn how to post this kind of content, but expect the first chapter or rather the first pages to be published on April! As we were researching on how some manga-reading sites are posting this kind of content, we decided to post 15 pages of the comic per time, like they are doing. Mainly because this is an efficient way for the author to have time, so he can work on his next pages. We hope that every month 15 pages (more or less) are going to be published.
  We wish to hear your opinion about this matter and for the manga direction we are getting. Be sure to follow us on our social media (instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit). We will post many things like sneak-peaks and asking you advice for our stories.

Unfortunately this manga will be understandable only for those who are familiar with the anime and manga series, because its story will begin after the ending of where the anime left it. The Thousand Year Blood War Arc which is only in manga so far will not get involved in the manga we are going to create. That is why we will call it an Alternative Fan story.

For those who do not know Bleach, we are afraid that you will not be able to follow up with our story. But do not worry, we are working on an original manga story which will come later. But we are eager to hear your opinion as well!


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