Zepar: A Buried Secret, Chapter VI

“Lock the door as you come in. The key is already on the door”.
Doing that, Boros walked and sat down on a seat around the table.
“Welcome Epsilon or would you rather to be called ‘Boros’?” said one woman from the people who were already in their seats.
“Since it’s just us, ‘Epsilon’ should be fine…” he replied, “So, what is the meaning of this meeting Alpha?” he asked the person who was seating in the head of the table.
“Don’t ask questions you already know the answers of.” Replied the person who was known as Alpha. He had a very deep voice with an extremely serious tone.
“It’s about that boy, you so call ‘son’!” said a woman with a hood covering her head.
“Yeah, I figured Zeta” replied Boros/ Epsilon to the woman named Zeta, who was the one who informed him about this meeting some days ago.
“Before Archangel Michael comes we have to prepare our overall report about this matter. Since Beta is not here, I need this report from you Epsilon.” Said the man called Alpha who apparently was the leader of their group. He was a serious tall man, with brown short hair. His clothes at that moment were very casual like he was trying not to get any attention. His presence demanded respect and attention from all the other members in the room.
“Right of course sir. Let us begin with…” Epsilon started his report…
It has been a while in the meeting between Boros, who was now been called Epsilon, and his other former comrades. Those are “The legendary chosen heroes” of “Big 6” in a more common tongue. They were considered the greatest, strongest and most intelligent human warriors this world has ever seen. With their strength allied with the angel forces they managed to eliminate the demons in the Great World War. Those six heroes were granted the gift of immortality from the angels by giving them, angel blood.
After the War, everyone followed their own paths; Alpha, the strongest of them and captain of the team, decided to move in Heaven where he could practice and become even better with the use of the spiritual powers he was granted by the Angels. The fact that they possess angel blood in their veins makes them equal to the angels, so they were accepted in Heaven, the Angels Realm. The same path as Alpha took also Gamma, who was in fact Alphas sister. Gamma admired her brother more than anyone else. The two siblings had a tragic past, with no parents or relatives to take care of them. They grew up relying only to each other. They trained together, pushing each other to their outer limits. As a conclusion they became the best of the best, their life was only about survival and they knew each other weaknesses and strengths. That’s why they were so well synchronized, every duo would get jealous of. After being acknowledged by their part in the Great War and granted angel blood, they saw this as a chance to improve even more by learning new techniques that never heard before, the spiritual powers! Powers no Human can control.
Unlike the siblings, Delta, the ‘healer’ of the team, took a completely different path. She was a woman full of curiosity about the world secrets. The healing abilities she possessed were beyond every elder sorcerer in the history! The war’s ending and the peace she and her comrades achieved, as well as the immortal life she was granted, was the best opportunity for her to start her researches for the ‘Forgotten Powers.
Zeta on the other hand didn’t have such “noble” interests. She loved money, gambling and lucky games in general. But she was undeniably the best in her clash. A spear-user with skills so high she could break into any kind of defenses. The truth is that she was raised by Dwarfs, that’s why her abilities were not even considered human-possible. She played a very important key-role in the war against the Demons. She took advantage of her achievements and acknowledge, wandering from town to town, kingdom to kingdom having fun and of course gambling.
The remaining two members, Beta and Epsilon were in fact a couple. During the war they created a bond of love. So, they decided to live together after the war and creating a family. They also changed their names so they could start a new, normal life without anyone figuring who they really were. Epsilon became Boros and Beta changed her name to Ana.
Today, after almost a century after the Great World War, the Big 6 had a very important meeting with only Beta to be absent
Epsilon finished his report by also saying the last news he got from a message from Beta, that Erevos is planning on becoming an Adventurer.
“So, that was about it…”
“Hmm, interesting. You are saying that he is not dangerous after all, then?”
“That’s right Alpha. I raised Erevos to be kind, loyal and with a noble spirit!”
“I don’t care about your raising methods. What concerns me and the Archangels is his nature! If he shows any evil intention, if he is curious about the “dark” and its powers.” Said Alpha with a worrying tone in his voice.
“Absolutely, no!” replied Epsilon, “He is always true to his feelings and not to mention if something concerns him, Beta is the first to help him. If something like that was on his mind, we would be the first to know!”
“That still doesn’t prove anything, your report is incomplete!” shouted Alpha. And Epsilon lowered his head. Then Alpha gave the speech to the other members asking them about their opinion.
Delta was the first to express herself.
“This meeting is whether to decide if we are going to eliminate him or letting him live as he pleases. But, his decision about becoming an Adventurer is quite a dangerous one. What if he learns his true nature by accident? I mean, you have no idea how many secrets can be unveiled with a journey he may have…”
“Becoming an Adventurer surely is the worst possible outcome in this… Zeta, do you want to say something as well?” said Alpha.
“We should terminate him, now that he is still weak!”
“Your reason?” asked Alpha.
“I think we cannot risk it. As Delta said, if he finds his true identity and maybe a possible relative, it will be a pain in the ass to kill him or it may even be too late.”
“It’s too big of a risk indeed… Sis what about you?” Alpha look at his sister Gamma and she expressed her opinion as well. “We knew from the start, that this will be a complicated debate… But we are having peace for a long time now and it is the greatest time in human history. I do not believe we are in a position to risk that peace.”
Epsilon was visibly irritated be everyone’s opinion. He angrily stood up and shout at them.
“What are you guys saying! From the start, we decided to try and make the difference by raising this child to follow the right path! We are not Angels; we are humans and we all shared the same opinion not judge someone by his appearance or race! He does not know where he truly comes from and I raised him so he could make the difference! You have no right to kill him because you are al afraid what he may never become!”
A bright white light appeared in front of the table and a voice came from it.
“Are you sure about this?”


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