Summer Update

Hello fellow readers! We've been quite absent for the last couple of months, due to personal liabilities, but we return with more content and new stories. In more detail:

- The Argive series are coming back, with the stories of our heroes in their quest to stop Hades and his puppet Alexander, drom releasing the Titans and destroy the world as it was known. The next chapter is called "Sons of Sparta", telling the adventures of Aristides and Dienekes. We hope that in the next two weeks you will have the next chapter of this epic journey.
- The writer of Zepar, the Child of Ragnarok and the writer of Mount and Blade, are preparing their next chapters of their stories. They are expected to arrive in June and during the first two weeks of July.
- The author of "The Second Chance" is writting a new story, called "A Lie I Did Not Want To Believe", about a man seeking revenge, in a metaphysic and monstrous world.

We hope you find our stories interesting! Feel free to share your thoughts with us! 


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