A Lie I Did Not Want to Believe, Pt. 2

I passed out in front of them. But before I did, I saw something with the corner of my eye. I saw a hooded man at the depths of the forest. The only way I managed to do that was because of the massive fire burning behind me.When I woke up I was sleeping at a hospital. Apparently, the fire was so huge it spread to the forest as well but not enough to burn down a lot of it. The had police found me. I was in a critical condition, so they had me transferred to a hospital.

When I woke up, I couldn’t remember anything. I couldn’t remember her face, nothing from that day. But I knew that whatever happened there, it was devastating. After that the police kept me on lockdown. I wasn’t allowed to leave my room and I had a police escort everywhere I went. I wanted to ask why but I wasn’t getting any answers anyways.Five months passed and they finally let me loose. I could be free like a normal man again. The first thing I did was go to the police station and ask what happened. Because I knew they wouldn’t tell me, I improvised. I desperately wanted to know what had happened.I shaved my head and wore new clothes. Then I went to a small coffee shop, areound the corner, where the policemen always go to and waited there. I sat there and spotted some of the policemen having their coffe. I sat beside them and started eavesdropping.They were talking about what happened at my wife's house, like it wasn’t a big deal. “Did you hear what happened a few months back?” asked the first officer.
“That? Yeah I remember supposedly a group of men burned down and killed that man’s family.” the other one answered.
"You think he did it?” asked unexpectidly the first officer.
"That lunatic probably did it himself. Fucking psycho. Let me tell you if I had the authority, I wouldn’t let that ashole leave the hospital”.
I left that place as angry anyone can be, after hearing these bullshit, but I deep inside me I was just sad.

A few months passed

The Downfall

“Dear fucking diary, I am supposed to write down what I did today and my thoughts. Supposedly, they will help me remember and help me with the grief. Here goes nothing. Today I went to the therapist again. I told her that I kept seeing a painting of a man and a woman’s silhouette. My mind even after all this time still won’t remember what had happened. To tell you the truth. I am fucking sad. It is painful. I started drinking and smoking again. Those old habits of mine came back. I don’t care at least It will help me die faster. All these doctors and police and therapists tell me what I am supposed to do and how it will be ok. The hate and rage I have inside me. I want to kill all of them scream out of my lungs at them. They don’t understand though how could they.”It was a very sad and depressing period for me back then. Devasted, lost, emotionally fucked up. It went on and on for a while. But this whole time seems far too short, compared to what I went through.

The Pub

Cars were driving by. The rain pouring down on the street and a man with a coat and a hat entering an old pub. I was back at my parents old house. When they died they left me the house. I kept sending people there occasionally to keep it clean. I payed the bills and I did everything in my power to keep it habitable.Anyways, I went and sat down like anybody else. I wanted something strong, like a scotch and sat down in front of the pub. This was when I met them.“Hey there pal what can I get you?” the Barman asked me
" Scotch on the rocks please"."You look like you had a rough day". 
"Day was too difficult, I had to do a lot of carrying around".
"Did you move in here?”. 
"Is it that obvious that I am not from here?”.
"A little bit, yeah. Anyways enjoy your drink, mate".
What was I supposed to tell him. That my family died and burned in a fire, so I came here to sit and weep in a corner? I found an excuse and kept on pretending that I was fine. Smiling at the fucking neighbours so they won’t get suspicious and start gossiping around my life. Putting a front for other people, so they wont ask if you are ok is exhausting.

After a few hours, I got a bit drunk, so I decided to go. I opened the door and a couple bumped into me. A woman bumped into me, but the man got in front of me and I coudnt see her. Not only I was drunk, they were wearing hoods as well.I just brushed it off. But the smell was familiar. I recognised it. I laughed at myself and said:
“There is no way, I am imagining things.” 
I opened the door and supposedly I was looking for something I forgot. I looked at them and that wasn’t her or the man I saw.
"I am drunk alright". I turned and left.

So, I left the pub and started going back to my house. A few meters down the road I noticed someone following me. I turned around.
"Can I help you?" I asked the man. He did not answer he just kept walking. I asked again and he did not answer.He came close to me and I could almost see his face. His face I thought was a bit distorted his jaw was formed in a way like his teeth were coming out. I noticed that, he was someone to be wary of and I started going backwards. Before I could make a step he came close to me punched me in the stomach. I was facing the ground in pain then he kicked me with his knee. I fell to my back.He was extraordinarily fast and strong. He jumped on top of me, immobilizing me and grabbed my neck. He turned it to the side and before he did, I saw his teeth were long and sharp. I was scared. I tried to fight him, but I couldn’t.That is when I met John. When I almost came close to death, he came and saved me. He shot him in the chest out of nowhere. The man or whatever that thing was started burning and slowly turned into ash. 

Author: Jimmy Novak


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